Create a new observer on the config.xml of your module :


Create this observer :

class Mypackage_Mymodule_Model_Observer

    public function cancelAddHistory(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
        $order = $observer->getEvent()->getOrder();

        // My logic here, I take only orders with entityId
            return $this;
        $status = $order->getStatus();
        $origStatus = $order->getOrigData('status');

        // If the new status is the same as the old
        if($status == $origStatus){
            // Fetch histories
            $histories = $order->getStatusHistoryCollection();
            foreach($histories AS $itemId => $history){
                // If the item has no id, it's a new (which is not saved), so we remove it
        return $this;


I decide to delete the new history if is same as the previous.
I my order hasn’t got a addStatusHistory, all the histories will have an id, so I will delete nothing.
If my order has got a addStatusHistory, the new histories will not have an id, so I delete its, and its will not be added during the save.

The important part is here :

$histories = $order->getStatusHistoryCollection();
            foreach($histories AS $itemId => $history){
                // If the item has no id, it's a new (which is not saved), so we remove it
Cancel addStatusHistory with an Observer
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